Nicolas Bouliane

How to throttle scroll events in AngularJS

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If you watch the scroll event, you will probably find yourself handling far more events than you need. The scroll event fires really quickly, and that can be a problem on mobile devices.

The following Angular directive will call a specified scroll event every 250 milliseconds.

angular.module('hereApp.directive').directive('onScroll', function($timeout) {
    'use strict';

    return {
        scope: {
            onScroll: '&onScroll',
        link: function(scope, element) {
            var scrollDelay = 250,
                throttled = false,
                scrollHandler = function() {
                    if (!throttled) {
                        throttled = true;
                        scrollThrottleTimeout = $timeout(function() {
                            throttled = false;
                        }, scrollDelay);

            element.on("scroll", scrollHandler);

            scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
      'scroll', scrollHandler);

The scrollable element should look like this:

<div on-scroll="myScrollEvent()"></div>