Javascript, jQuery and parent windows
Posted onWhen you open a window with
, you can access the popup’s parent window using window.opener
from the child window.
//In the parent window''); //Opens a new window/tab with this URL
//In the opened window
You can perform the same requests on window.opener.document
as you would on the document
window.opener.document.getElementById('#tableInParent'); //Gets #tableInParent in the parent window
If you want to use jQuery selectors on element in the parent window, this is how you do it. In the example below, we fade out a table in the parent window:
$(window.opener.document).find('#tableInParent').fadeOut(); //Fades out #tableInParent
Alternatively, you can also set the selector’s scope:
$('#tableInParent', window.opener.document).fadeOut(); //Fades out #tableInParent
That’s it! If you want to learn jQuery properly, I highly recommend Mark Myers’ “A Smarter Way to Learn jQuery”. Mark Myers tends to write very high quality programming books with a focus on good practices.