Nicolas Bouliane

Multiple git stashes

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Did you know git can keep multiple stashes? If you use git stash and git stash apply, you might be tempted to think there is a single stash, but you can restore older stashes, and thus stash multiple items.

To see your previous stashes, use git stash list. You will get a result like this:

stash@{0}: WIP on master: 6c483e2 Updated to use empty string instead of null
stash@{1}: WIP on master: 6c483e2 Updated to use empty string instead of null
stash@{2}: WIP on master: 142e661 Removed middle state for the search results panel
stash@{3}: WIP on master: 0e65041 Added spinner to search
stash@{4}: WIP on master: 723eef5 Put the search query in the search service

To restore a particular stash, use git stash apply stash@{0} and replace 0 with the index of the stash you wish to restore.

Use git stash clear to erase all your stashed changes.