Nicolas Bouliane

How to change the spark plugs on a Renault Kangoo 1

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Vehicle: 2006 Renault Kangoo I (KC) with the 1.6L 16 valve petrol engine (K4M)

Difficulty: Very easy. Anyone can do it.

Time needed: 30 minutes

Tools needed: 16 mm spark plug socket, 10 mm socket, ratchet with extension

Spark plugs needed: 4 x NGK 4619 spark plugs, or equivalent

How to change the spark plugs

First, pop the bonnet open. Pull the little tab under the steering wheel. The bonnet opens the opposite way, on the side of the wind shield.
There are 4 spark plugs. The process is the same for each spark plug.
Unplug the wire from the ignition coil. Just push on the little tab, then pull the wire off.
Using a 10 mm socket, remove the bolt that holds the coil to the engine.
Remove the ignition coil.
Using a 16 mm spark plug socket, remove the spark plug.

Using the 16 mm spark plug socket, install the new spark plug. Do not over-torque the new spark plug.

Reinsert the ignition coil, and bolt it back in place. Do not over-torque the bolt, or you will strip the aluminium threads that hold it in place.

Reconnect the wire to the ignition coil.

Repeat for all 4 spark plugs.