How to change the spark plugs on a Renault Kangoo 1
Posted onVehicle: 2006 Renault Kangoo I (KC) with the 1.6L 16 valve petrol engine (K4M)
Difficulty: Very easy. Anyone can do it.
Time needed: 30 minutes
Tools needed: 16 mm spark plug socket, 10 mm socket, ratchet with extension
Spark plugs needed: 4 x NGK 4619 spark plugs, or equivalent
How to change the spark plugs
Using the 16 mm spark plug socket, install the new spark plug. Do not over-torque the new spark plug.
Reinsert the ignition coil, and bolt it back in place. Do not over-torque the bolt, or you will strip the aluminium threads that hold it in place.
Reconnect the wire to the ignition coil.
Repeat for all 4 spark plugs.